


Contact Us

Anchin has deep expertise and experience working with an extensive client base of construction companies, including some of the top firms in the New York metropolitan area. We have built a practice group dedicated to the industry. Our team of highly qualified audit, tax, and advisory professionals, understand industry specific issues and are able to bring practical solutions to clients.

We work closely with our construction clients to advise them in many areas including tax-savings strategies, cash flow including projections and financing, key employee retention & attraction, succession planning, and bonding. Our team at Anchin has the vision to help you meet challenges and identify opportunities so that you can achieve your goals.

In addition to the traditional accounting and tax services, we have developed value-added advisory services and strategies specifically for the construction industry. That’s why bankers, sureties and underwriters refer us with confidence to their own clients, and why we advise so many construction companies throughout the tri-state area and beyond.

Anchin is recognized by Construction Executive in The Top 50 Construction Accounting Firms™ for 2024

Our professionals undergo extensive continuing education to keep us up to date of changes and issues that affect the construction industry. In addition, our Construction Industry Group holds monthly forums to educate our teams on current events in the industry, including financial, tax and business issues that impact our clients. We also hold client analysis brainstorming meetings where our entire group focuses on individual clients and discusses potential suggestions and ideas for those clients. An experienced, stable engagement team provides you with leadership and continuity.

Throughout the year, Anchin’s Construction Group presents industry-leading events and experiences. Anchin’s annual State of the Construction Industry event, annual Construction & Design Awards and annual Real Estate & Construction Future Forward events bring industry leaders and companies together to discuss key developments in the marketplace as well as provide a forum for networking opportunities. We also maintain close relationships with leading industry organizations and centers of influence.

To sign up for our Construction email list, click here.


Services include:

  • Financial reporting
  • Tax planning and strategies
  • Research & development tax credits and incentives – Federal and State
  • Sales and use taxation
  • State and local taxation
  • Operational reviews
  • Employee retention & attraction
  • Succession & transition planning
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Regulatory compliance and investigations
  • Estate planning
  • Anchin Executive Network (AEN)
  • Workers’ Compensation (Stephenson & Brook)

Succession & Transition Planning

Anchin advises on succession planning to ensure the continuity of your company for years to come. Successful construction businesses are often the result of a few key individuals. This makes an effective and viable succession plan a must. Planning in advance for the continuity of your firm can assure the realization and continuation of a lifetime’s work and dreams. A well-constructed succession plan will allow your firm to continue on, while maximizing its value to you and your heirs.

Working together with Anchin professionals, our clients develop the optimal strategies to preserve their wealth for future generations. However, we realize our clients’ goals often go well beyond accumulating wealth and allocating income to the lowest tax bracket. To reach these goals, we meet with family members, their attorneys, and investment advisors to define the family’s goals, including any philanthropic objectives. We advise clients of any tax saving strategies that must be considered to carry out their objectives. Our support allows them to deal with the decision-making process in a timely and objective manner.