Voices of Influence: Perspectives from Women in Anchin’s Financial Services Practice

Articles & Alerts

March 26, 2024

In honor of Women’s History Month, we reached out to the women within Anchin’s Financial Services team, inviting them to share their wisdom. Our aim is for this piece to offer a greater appreciation for the remarkable contributions of the women at Anchin.

What is a motto or philosophy that you live by personally or professionally?

Marina Shah: Take a break when needed; you are human. Believe in yourself, try to improve from the day before, and be kind.

Sheena Singh: “Empower through knowledge, lead with integrity, and strive for the highest standard.” Knowledge is power, and I use mine to navigate the financial landscape and empower my clients. Leading with integrity builds trust with clients, colleagues, and the community, and sets a strong example for others, including my children, to follow. Striving for the highest standard in every task and endeavor involves being meticulous, and diligent, paying attention to detail, and continually seeking knowledge and improvement. I strive to balance my professional commitments with my personal life and well-being and contribute to an environment of mutual respect and excellence. Seeing my long-term client relationships blossom into deep friendships and witnessing my children being proud of my profession is my greatest accomplishment.

Cynthia Lee: Two mottoes I live by personally and professionally are “Justice will be served” and “True character speaks louder than words.” I strongly believe living honestly, truthfully, and fairly is one of the most important factors in leading a fruitful and meaningful life.

Alicja Mierzwa: Work as a team, stay curious, build your reputation as an authentic and dependable person, and get things done!

Kimberly Elardo: A quote from my paternal grandmother “Nothing is impossible” – it’s very cliché, but it’s so true! If you are “hungry” and passionate enough about something and put your mind toward achieving your goals, you will make it happen!

Jordan Venditto: “Do things scared.” Never let your nerves or fear hold you back from the exciting challenges ahead. I recently joined Anchin and beginning a new job can be daunting but it’s important to me to always push myself to do things that may frighten me. You will always miss out on experiences if you don’t.

Who inspires you and why?

Audelene Gutierrez: I draw inspiration from the women around me – my mom, family members, friends, and colleagues. Through their experiences and accomplishments, I am motivated to aim high and never give up.

Anna Wong: My mom continues to be a profound source of inspiration for me, despite her passing years ago. Her dedication to both family and work remains etched in my memory. She effortlessly balanced her responsibilities, ensuring that both aspects of her life received the attention they deserved. Whenever I found myself facing challenges or feeling lost, she was always there to offer encouragement and guidance. Her teachings and wisdom remain a guiding light on my life’s path.

Olivia Nightingale: My sisters, Mel and Sam, without whom I would not be a big sister. Out of all of life’s lessons, the inspiration I find through my sisters is the greatest. Even though we are each so different (me, an Accountant; Mel, a soon-to-be PhD graduate in Biology; Sam, a college freshman working towards a B.S. in Construction Management), the sister love we share for each other is so strong and brings us together, no matter how many miles are between us.

Kimberly Elardo: It’s hard to select a few, so I will go with all the hardworking moms out there who try their best to please so many people both at home and at work. It’s not easy juggling it all, but at the end of the day, it is very rewarding.

Knowledge is key. What are some things you have learned in the Financial Services group?

Audelene Gutierrez: I have changed in so many ways being with the Financial Services group for 15 years. I learn from the people I work with within the group. Their work ethic, passion, and dedication to keep the group strong and growing is a source of inspiration.

Alicja Mierzwa: People you meet are as important as things you learn. Meet people and build lifelong friendships and connections! Also, have sincere interest in the topics that affect the industry you are in, and try to use every day as an opportunity for learning and personal growth.

Anna Wong: In addition to gaining knowledge in Financial Product taxation, I’ve learned the importance of teamwork to satisfy the client’s expectations. Teamwork makes the dream work. It enhances our productivity as a team and expedites engagement completion. I also derive inspiration from my colleagues within the group, learning from their work ethic, passion, and dedication. Their commitment to building an effective team serves as an ongoing source of motivation for me.

Olivia Nightingale: The members of the Financial Services group provide so much value and guidance by sharing their insights and experiences with all levels of personnel. From day one, I have felt as though my work and dedication to the firm are valued and appreciated. The biggest lesson I have learned over the past six years is how to become a leader who is capable of helping others succeed. My own mentors, Marina and Audelene, have been in my corner cheering me on and encouraging me to grow and flourish within the firm from day one. Both of these ladies have been crucial to my own success here at Anchin and have taught me an endless amount of knowledge pertaining to both work and non-Anchin life as well. On a daily basis, I use what they have taught me to share my ideas and imprint my knowledge onto others.

AWIN Financial Services

