The monitor, Brian Sanvidge, will oversee many IDA decisions, particularly approvals for development projects and tax breaks. He began his three-year term on Monday.

Funding for his position, which falls under the state Offices of the Inspector General, will come from the IDA, as per the terms of the state budget proposal for the monitor from state Sen. James Skoufis that lawmakers approved last year. Though the IDA is focused on boosting economic development projects in Orange County, it is not publicly funded. Its revenue comes from fees charged to companies that apply for financial incentives.

Sanvidge, a certified inspector general and certified fraud examiner, has more than 30 years of experience advising on fraud and forensic investigations and providing litigation support to public and private sector clients. He’s currently a principal at New York-based firm Anchin, where he leads regulatory compliance and investigations. His areas of specialization include construction, transportation, infrastructure, retail, hospitality, not-for-profits, specialty health care and pharmaceuticals, according to a news release from Skoufis’ office.