Our Team

Meet Marina Shah, CPA

a professional headshot of CPA and Anchin Partner Marina Shah

Marina Shah

Marina Shah, CPA, is an Accounting and Audit Partner in the Financial Services Group at Anchin. Marina specializes in providing audit and tax services for a variety of investment company structures, including domestic and offshore funds, master-feeder structures, private equity, fund of funds and management companies.

Marina is actively involved in Anchin’s in-house training, assisting with the development of courses, and serves as an instructor for entry level and experienced staff on accounting, auditing, tax, and industry topics. She is also involved in recruiting talented staff and mentoring existing staff.

Marina is an active member of Anchin’s Women’s Initiative Group which addresses women’s concerns in the workplace and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA).

Marina serves on the New Jersey Committee of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), a non-profit organization committed to accelerating the leadership and success of women across the financial community in all industries, by advancing careers, fostering alliances and preparing the current and next generation of professionals.