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Meet Steven D. Lando, CPA

Steven Lando
Tax Partner, Tax Leader - Professional Services, Law Firms

Steven D. Lando, CPA, is a Tax Partner at Anchin. He is the Tax Leader of the Firm’s Services Group and a Founding Member & Co-Practice Leader of its Law Firms Group.

Steven’s expertise is in the area of tax and strategic planning, specializing in state & local (SALT) taxes, income and estate tax planning, wealth preservation, and compliance for federal, international and SALT taxes. His practice consists of law firms and attorneys, high net worth families, and a diverse group of business enterprises including public relations, media & advertising firms, acquisition companies, technology businesses, real estate owners and developers throughout the United States and in other various countries.

Steven has consulted with numerous groups and law firms on the Cost of Prohibiting the Use of or, Delaying the Adoption of Generative A.I., New Pass-Through Entity Tax regimes, Paycheck Protection Loans, SALT nexus and the implications of a remote workforce, minimizing tax consequences of converting from a PC to an LLP, establishing sophisticated pension plans to maximize owner contributions without undue burden on the business, on mergers & acquisitions, and on tax planning for investment decisions.

Steven has lectured to members of banks, law firms, real estate companies and was an active member in the NYC Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators (ALANYC). He has presented on various topics including, “Professional Corporations vs. Limited Liability Partnerships and The State of the Legal Industry”, “New York State Pass-Through Entity Tax & Paycheck Protection Program” and “The State of State and Local Taxation and How it Impacts Your Law Firm” for the ALANYC. In addition, Steven has moderated legal panels for his clients and the ALANYC on the “Opportunities, Challenges, and Future of Generative A.I./Chat GPT for Law Firms” and has been an A.I. panelist for Sandpiper Partners. He has written feature articles for publications such as the New York Law Journal and Law Office Administrator. He previously served on the State and Local, and Interstate Taxation Committees of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA).